Melisa Bok


Most informative ngrams by gender based on spanish tweets

Bubble plot show the most informative features got running a Bayesian classifier over 38.000 spanish tweets

Word cloud of all speech of the Argentinian President Kirchner from 2010 June to 2012 December

Visualization done using D3 library, MongoDB to store all the speach that where provided by the government of Buenos Aires

Tree Map of play count of the top albums of an artist get from LastFM Api

Visualization done using Javascript Infovis Toolkit and artist.getTopAlbums web service

Melisa Bok Timeline

Visualization done using Javascript library from and Google spreadsheet

Postura de los diputados al votar los proyectos de ley durante el periodo 2006 - 2011

Visualization done using D3 library showing the different positions of each candidate to be member of parliament in the elections of the last years


Visual Analytics Challenge

VAST 2012 Challenge, BankWorld. Mini-Challenge 1: Bank of Money Enterprise: Cyber Situation Awareness The Bank of Money (BOM) Corporate Information Officer (CIO) has assigned you to create a situation awareness visualization of the entire enterprise. This is a considerable challenge, considering that BOM operates from BankWorld's coast to coast. In addition to observing the global situation, he would also would like to be able to detect operational changes outside of the norm.
You are provided with two datasets that span two days of data for BOM.
- One dataset contains metadata about the bank’s network.
- The second dataset contains periodic status reports from all computing equipment in the BOM enterprise.
There is also one additional smaller dataset that contains a one hour snapshot of the enterprise's activities. It has the same format as the second dataset mentioned above, and can use the metadata contained in the first dataset.

Hack Hackers D3.js Hackaton

Sports results visualization. Create a new widget call Sparkbar using D3.js library.
It was a whole day designing and programming a visualization using D3.js library. We did a D3 Tutorial to explain step by step how to build a visualization fot beginners. This is the final work: Visu Deportes


Exploratory Data Analysis

Data Analysis of Wine Quality from UCI repository

Rule Associations

Get rules associations using Apriori algorithm with R tool

Ride Regression

Analysis of Ridge Regression using SAS tool

Decision Tree J48

Decision Tree of Rotavirus dataset using Weka tool

Neuronal Networks

Neuronal Network and PSO evolution algorithm using Matlab tool

Principal Component Analysis, Correspondence Analysis

PCA and CA using R for searching core genome of Mycobacterium

D3 Samples

Donut Chart
MultiSerie Lines
Tree Map
Bubble Chart
Circle Chart
Verticual Stacked Bar
Conway's Game of Life
Bubble plot with transitions